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Our Resiliency Projects

Building Puerto Rico's Capacity to be a World Leader in Resiliency Solutions

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PR5G Green Energy Testbed

Virginia Tech/UPR-M – 5G Green Puerto Rican Grid

  1. We are working with the Puerto Rico Science, Research, and Technology Trust to establish a research testbed for 5G technology DER management of green energy microgrids at UPR-M connected to utility grids, in partnership with Virginia Tech which is current leading research in this field building upon federally sponsored initiatives.  The goal includes establishment of cyber-secure pilot implementations on the island that would help address current Puerto Rico resiliency challenges while at the same time developing the organic capacity to advance the technology, tackle smart grid implementation challenges and become a leader in developing, testing and building exportable ‘smart’ solutions for global application.

  2. The work would align potentially three separate related proposal into research to be performed at a combined testbed at UPR-M that houses the UPR-M ‘Sustainable Energy Center and the UPR-M ‘Zone’ lab being sponsored by us to assist in existing  research related to the SpectrumX and Center for Advanced Radio Science Engineering (CARSE) projects. 

  3. We are seeking support from partners as we solicit funding for this project, and partners with technology to test in aggregation within this facility.  Those of you already participating in our ‘Resilient Energy & Communication Technology’ resource guide will targeted.  Those who would like to be included can register here.

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Resilient Technology Resource Catalog

In response to multiple inquiries from solution providers interested in supporting Fiona recovery efforts, we are soliciting information from entities interested in being included in our inventory of resiliency technologies.  We will be focused specifically on solutions for resilient communication or energy needs. We’ll be providing this information to the emergency relief workers as a reference resource, but will make no recommendations or endorsements on technologies. Additionally, we will be using this information to design pilot project combining multiple technologies with Puerto Rico as the testbed.

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Zero Trust Architecture

Junaid Islam, a global expert in ZTA, frames the technology and applications in this presentation.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification

New cybersecurity standards for Federal for DoD and FDA contracting.

Continuous Risk Monitoring QA

Preview of a new technology by Exempler for continuous risk monitoring and cost benefit analysis.

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